Studenten English Language and Culture / in samenwerking met G.A.G.

Below you will find the books for the study English Language and Culture at Radboud University, which can be ordered here with a student discount. The discount will be deducted in the shopping cart when using the discount code - available from your study association.

With your discount code you get up to 15% discount on your study books. In addition, you get a 10% discount on all available English books in the bookstore! So you don't just benefit with your textbooks.

The books that you can order below have been checked by your study programme. So you know for sure that you order the right books.

When you have placed your order, you can pick them up at our store or at our popup-bookstore on campus. Alternatively, the books are delivered nationwide to your home free of charge by Velocity Bicycle Couriers - fast & environmentally friendly. We will make sure that you have your books before the start of the lectures and that you receive a track and trace code to track your package. If the books are in stock, you will receive them within a few days.

If you have any questions about your order, please feel free to contact us, preferably by email. This way we can best provide you with an answer!

Joseph Andrews And Shamela € 10,99
Henry Fielding
The Monk € 12,50
Matthew Lewis
Autumn € 13,50
Ali Smith
On Chesil Beach € 13,50
Ian McEwan
Klara And The Sun € 13,50
Kazuo Ishiguro
Girl, Woman, Other € 13,50
Bernardine Evaristo
Fingersmith € 14,95
Sarah Waters
English - One Tongue, Many Voices € 109,99
Jan Svartvik-Geoffrey Leech
Medieval Writers And Their Work € 39,99
J. A. (emeritus Professor And Research Fellow Burrow
Understanding Phonology € 49,95
Gussenhoven, Carlos-Jacobs, Haike
Academic Vocabulary In Use Edition With Answers € 36,50
Michael (university Of Nottingham) Mccarthy-Felicity O'dell