30 jaar onafhankelijk in boeken

Performing by the Book?

Engels | 15-10-2024 | 376 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 55,00


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Tekst achterflap

To perform a musical score implies the transformation of a symbolically coded text into vibrant sound. In Performing by the Book? a carefully selected cadre of artist-researchers dissects this delicate act in critical ways. Offering first-hand insights into the notational, structural and interpretative challenges faced by musicians in dealing with texts of all kinds, the chapters traverse the spectrum between the Middle Ages and the age of Stockhausen. In a harmonious blend of scholarly allure and individual artistry, free from academic obfuscation, the contributors keep a keen eye on the limits of interpretation, both in terms of the interpretative process itself and of the balance between textual faithfulness and artistic autonomy. This comprehensive volume is an indispensable guide for everyone interested in the relationship between musical performance and texts.


EAN :9789462704145
Uitgever :Universitaire Pers Leuven
Publicatie datum :  15-10-2024
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Status :Nog niet beschikbaar
Aantal pagina's :376
Reeks :  Orpheus Institute Series
Keywords :  artistic research;historically informed performance;music;musical interpretation;performance studies;texts